Food grown and produced in and around the Hawkesbury region is some of the finest in the country. You’ve probably heard stories from local growers about how food from the region often travels thousands of kilometres to distribution centres around the country only to end up back at one of the region’s supermarkets. What if there was a way to cut out this unnecessary cartage, remove the middle man, source fresher produce, pay less for your food, and help local farmers earn a decent return? Well, there is.
Richmond Good Food Market is a place for local farmers and quality food producers to showcase their wares and interact with the community.
Visiting Richmond Good Food Market will give you an opportunity to:
Support Local Farms
Meet local farmers and know how your food was raised
Avoid chemical and other additives routinely used in mass produced farms
Support the community and local agribusiness
Source great tasting food
Save money and bypass Coles and Woolworths
Support the Local Economy
When you buy local produce, you are directly supporting the local economy. Rather than putting money into the hands of the “big guys”, wouldn’t you prefer to support Hawkesbury locals? By doing so, you’ll be pumping cash straight into the pockets of your local neighbours and citizens of our region; and they, in turn, will be able to pump that cash back into our local economy.
Since local foods do not travel far, they can be picked when ripe and most flavourful. Fresh is best. Fresh and local is even better!